After 2 solid months of development, LocalView Fusion Service Pack 5 is in the final stages of testing and will be available for download next week (customers will get an email containing the download details). The release includes two completely new GeoTemplates plus a list of product improvements. This post describes a few of the headline features that will be in SP5.
New Embeddable Map GeoTemplate
Customers with the Community bundle will get the new Embeddable Map GeoTemplate. This provides a simple way to create and embed GIS viewers into your website using very few lines of HTML and CSS, reducing development time without sacrificing functionality. Plus you don’t need to have any experience in Esri programming to add an Identify tool, address search or legend – this can all be set up in the provisioning site. Here’s what it looks like in action (screenshot taken from our main Esri UK website):
New ArcGIS Viewer for Flex GeoTemplate
This GeoTemplate will be available if you have the Business bundle of LocalView Fusion. It is a modified version of Esri’s sample Flex application which we have integrated into the LocalView Fusion platform. So in addition to the rich functionality already available in the original application (advanced attribute searching, editing, time-slider, etc), we have included our UK address searching functionality, printing suite and full legend/layer control. You can get more information about the standard Flex viewer here if you’re eager to find out more about what it can do.
Improvements and bug fixes
As well as the new GeoTemplates we have been listening to your feedback and have added a range of new options, services and fixes to the system. Here is a sample of some of them;
- Multiple basemaps (Web Publisher, Navigator, Embeddable Map and AGS Viewer for Flex).
- Web Publisher: Property level reverse geocoding.
- Enhanced support for WMS services.
- The ability to print from secured map services.
- Testing environments extended to include new browsers (Chrome and IE9) and server environments extended to include Oracle 11g.
- Survey actions updated to use the GeoProcessing content type.
So look forward to SP5 and check back here for more updates about LocalView Fusion in the next few weeks.