2 minute interview with Jim Barry

5th December 2013

Name: Jim Barry

Job title: Program Manager for the Esri Developer Network

Office location:  Redlands, California

What’s your favourite part of the ArcGIS Platform?

The developer website and the developer subscription to ArcGIS Online. For developers it makes the ArcGIS Platform more accessible and easier to get started with than ever before. Be it with a free development account to get started right away or a $20 subscription to deploy commercial applications.

What new thing in the ArcGIS Platform are you most excited by?

Geotriggers. They will allow you to give the application the ability to do things automatically based on your location. You define a set of rules and the application then does what you want without you needing to interact with the application. It makes the app more a part of me rather than something I use.

The ArcGenie grants you one wish: what feature will you to add to the ArcGIS Platform?

Be able to work disconnected with a client/server architecture. People deploy GIS to mobile devices to take GIS to the field but they need to be able to work disconnected. If you are building a mobile app you need to plan for how it’s going to work disconnected. This is an integral, designed part of the next version of the Runtime SDK. In three years we’re not going to believe that it wasn’t there. 

What’s your current favourite museum, building or natural space?

My favorite natural space is the Mojave Desert.
