2 Minute Interview with Andy Gup

26th February 2014

Name: Andy Gup

Job title: Developer evangelist,  Esri Inc

Office location : Denver

What’s your favourite part of the ArcGIS Platform?

Web APIs. The fastest growing area for developers is web development. There’s been an explosion of javascript libraries that massively accelerate development times. The javascript parsers in browsers are significantly faster than they were 3 to 5 years ago. 

What new thing in the ArcGIS Platform are you most excited by?

Offline editing with the runtime SDKs. It’s the “most” requested feature that we have. It offers the ability to do advanced things with our Runtime SDKs and explore areas of development that we haven’t had chance to play with.

The ArcGenie grants you one wish: what feature will you to add to the ArcGIS Platform?

3D javascript in the browser and it’s coming.

What’s your current favourite: museum/gallery/building/natural space/walk/city?

Denver Natural history Museum. It has a hanging globe that has NOAA data projected onto it. It’s the coolest globe I’ve seen in a number of years. You can drive it from a smartphone app. http://sos.noaa.gov/What_is_SOS/index.html
