LocatorHub locators can now be configured to act as ArcGIS locators

7th August 2014

LocatorHub at 5.2 SP2 now offers the ability to act as an ArcGIS Locator and be consumed in ArcGIS Online and other areas of the platform. For example AddressBase (any level) could be used for map navigation, geocoding or reverse geocoding inside ArcGIS Online. LocatorHub includes an enhanced, ArcGIS Compatible REST Service which enables users to configure LocatorHub locators in ArcGIS Online to look and act like ArcGIS Locators.

Once the locators are configured in ArcGIS Online they can also be used in; Maps for Office, Maps for Dynamics, Portal, Maps for Sharepoint, Esri Maps for IBM Cognos, Flex API, and the new Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

Change to the REST Service Endpoint

To accommodate the changes for LocatorHub locators to act as ArcGIS locators, the endpoint for the new Rest Service has a new URL. This new URL must be used with ArcGIS Online to get proper integration and functionality.  Whilst the old Rest URL will continue to work with existing applications, we recommend that all users migrate current applications to use the new URL.

Old URL:           http://server/locatorhub/arcgisrest
New URL:         http://server/locatorhub/arcgis/rest/services

Configuring a LocatorHub locator as an ArcGIS Locator

Using a combination of technologies can be confusing for demystifying your LocatorHub gazetteer configuration in ArcGIS Online and the Esri Platform.

Taking into account Coordinate Conversion

For users wishing to take advantage of using LocatorHub locators inside ArcGIS Online and other Maps for applications, coordinate conversion needs to be taken into account. For background information about co-ordinate systems.

If your gazetteer data is in the same coordinate system as the base map you will use, then you need not set up a Coordinate Projection for your locator. An example of this is Ordnance Survey background maps in British National Grid (BNG) used as a base map and a UK Addressing dataset eg AddressBase (also BNG).  Note ensure you have loaded your background mapping as a base map and not as a map layer.

However, if your base map is in one coordinate system (such as the ArcGIS Online Base maps which are in Web Mercator) and your gazetteer is in another (for instance, AddressBase data is in BNG), you will need to perform a coordinate conversion using either ArcGIS Server or alternatively Esri’s free geometry service. The service is subject to these terms of use and uses the Petroleum projection, not OSTN02 to perform the coordinate conversion.

Returned fields and batch functions

LocatorHub used as an ArcGIS Locator is optimised for display in ArcGIS Online and other platform applications. As such they return a subset of the UK dataset fields, including details equivalent to the LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION, and unique ID field(s).

Due to an issue we are currently investigating, batch files submitted for geocoding may be returned with no match results. If this occurs reduce your file to sets of addresses numbering between 20-50 and resubmit.
