Tag Archives: Service Provision

Environment Agency
ArcGIS allows us to collect, analyse and share real-time information about major incidents and take rapid action to protect people and the environment.
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Worcestershire County Council
Our social workers use ArcGIS to help Worcestershire residents engage more actively in community-based activities and have a better quality of life.
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Silva Homes
We have enhanced core business processes such as tree surveys, anti-social behaviour and under occupancy using ArcGIS to support our company vision and transform lives, homes and communities
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Westminster City Council: Waste Management
Our innovative use of GIS has helped deliver a new approach to waste services procurement which could contribute to avoided costs of £2 million a year.
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Wiltshire Council
We have a responsibility to ensure that the tax payer’s money is spent appropriately and Mobile GIS has revolutionised working practices, saving time and money.
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Worcestershire County Council
When extreme weather conditions occur in Worcestershire, we can react more quickly to emerging crises to help prevent road accidents and save lives.
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Norfolk County Council
LocatorHub has given us a centralised address management solution which translates into more efficient services for both staff and citizens.
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Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
This project has changed the conversation at board level to focus on moving to a more sophisticated way of visualising and reporting data
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Cornwall Council
Our strategic use of ArcGIS has enabled us to implement a wide range of cost reduction initiatives whilst delivering new programmes for families in need.
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