City of London Police

With improved insight into where the majority of crimes occur and the locations of the most harmful crimes, City of London Police can optimise its allocation of resources and prevent more crimes.

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We are making information about HS2 Phase 2b easier to find, explore and understand by publishing an online story map.

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Methodist College Belfast

Students use ArcGIS to evaluate the environmental, economic and social impacts of renewable and non-renewable energy sources

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St Conleth’s Community College

Students of all abilities at Saint Conleth's Community College are developing important life skills through the use of ArcGIS.

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ArcGIS has become a pivotal strategic planning tool, helping us to work efficiently, reduce costs and respond rapidly to incidents.

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St Kevin’s College

Students use ArcGIS to analyse data and make informed decisions and deliver effective presentations using ArcGIS Story Maps

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Presentation College Headford

Using ArcGIS and creating Story Maps helps our students to develop research skills and gives them experience of using different types of maps at different scales. It also encourages them to think about how information is communicated and improve their presentation skills.

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Crowther Lab

Interactive maps enable us to communicate the Lab’s findings with a broad community, so they can learn something new and make the right decisions.

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Flagship Group

When tenants, members of the public or employees report issues with trees on our land, we can respond quickly and effectively to ensure public safety.

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AOC Archaeology Group

We are bringing history to life for our clients and the wider public, by using ArcGIS to collect, analyse and share archaeological information.

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