Quocirca Geospatial Intelligence

Respond in a more agile way to an evolving situation on the ground with dynamic visibility of where and what is happening

Mobile GIS enables improved customer service by getting the right mobile worker to the right place as quickly as possible. However the capability extends further, to enable mobile worker activity and status tracking, which protects their safety and provides insight which allows operations managers to adapt priorities and make the right decisions in response to events on the ground.
Using out of the box GIS mobile Apps has allowed organisations to increase mobile worker productivity by up to 20%, by enabling them to stay organised, report progress, call for assistance, remain productive and minimise travel. At the same time data quality is significantly improved – if you get the data right first time and at the point of capture then costly errors further down the line are avoided.
In essence, mobile workers collect data through common or rugged mobile devices and that status information and the data collected is available immediately back at the office, viewable on a real time dashboard. Organisations like Thames Water, Westminster City Council, Colas, Willis Group and many more have seen significant benefits from this approach.
Independent analysts Quocirca investigated this technology and the benefits to organisations adopting it. Their conclusions are set out in this eBook. Download the eBook free now to find out more…

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Making the Connection

Britain needs rewiring in a smarter way to ensure secure and sustainable energy supplies for consumers

Electricity Distribution Network Operators face challenges brought by radical industry transformation and are therefore beginning of a journey from a relatively static asset management operation, to a more dynamic and flexible business. To deliver the change needed, electricity networks will rely heavily on their large scale information systems. But enterprise information systems across all sectors are also being transformed, by the wave of digital disruption spreading across the economy. Enterprise IT has historically been a ‘System of Record’, designed to provide a single source of the truth so that managers and staff have the information they need to run and operate their organisations. But current trends are leading businesses to deploy a different breed of tools based on communications and collaboration capabilities. In short, Enterprise IT is becoming a System of Engagement. This new breed of systems enable organisations to become more effective, more flexible and more customer-focused.

As the Network Operator is a geographic business with a widespread asset base serving customers and stakeholders over a distributed area, spatial information has a critical role to play. Read our “Making the Connection” eBook to find more and to discover real examples of how geospatial technology is enabling the transformation of electricity distribution and transmission, through better stakeholder engagement, complementing its more traditional role of records management.

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Tel: 01296 745599
E-mail: sales@esriuk.com

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