Changing Hazards Prompt Insurers to Rethink the Location of Risk

To ensure their risk assessment reflects risks on the ground, insurers and reinsurers are increasingly relying on location-based risk analysis.

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How Geoblockchain Could Curb ‘Conflict Diamond’ Trade

Blockchain and location intelligence could transform the way diamonds are marketed and sold.

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Location Intelligence Helps Keep FedEx on Time

By any measure, the numbers are staggering: 570,000 parts, 20,000 flights each month. FedEx manages it all with help from GIS.

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The Hidden Factor Affecting Employee Health

It’s time for employers to wake up to an overlooked–and costly–aspect of employee health.

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Opportunity Awaits Employers That Overcome Location Bias

In a tight job market, every hiring advantage is important. Companies that reduce location bias could gain an edge.

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Changing Demographics Ripple through the Supply Chain

Businesses are adjusting supply chains to match shifting demand, using demographic insight into a changing world.

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A Little-Known Alternative to Wooing Amazon

Across the nation, economic development agencies are quietly nurturing small companies while complementing efforts to attract big corporations.

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Halo Forecasting with AI: A Major Leap in Retail Planning

A long-coveted forecast comes to life for retailers, using AI and the geospatial cloud to predict brick and mortar and online sales.

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AI Moves Fans in and out of SunTrust Park

When the Atlanta Braves take the field, the Cobb County police force deploys GIS-based location intelligence and AI to keep fans happy and safe.

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Think Tank: Blockchain Evolves into Geoblockchain

Blockchain technology is finding inroads in business, and its maturity curve is bending toward geoblockchain.

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