The Business Value of Sustainability

While scientists issue warnings about a fragile climate, executives are embracing the business value of sustainability.

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Burgers for a Penny, and the Power of Location Intelligence

Burger King heats up the burger wars with a marketing campaign aimed at its chief rival, and executives everywhere take note.

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Business Leaders Confess IoT Confusion

A recent survey reveals that business leaders believe strongly in the promise of IoT. Many simply don't understand it.

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How Do You Market a Hurricane-Resistant Floating Home?

Luxurious, self-powered, hurricane-resistant homes are selling for $5 million. Where do you find customers for that marketing pitch?

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How GM Maps and Manages Supply Chain Risk

General Motors enlists real-time location intelligence to monitor and manage risk in one of the world's most complex supply chains.

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BP Shares Eight Lessons on Digital Transformation

An inside look at BP's digital transformation, with lessons on successfully deploying enterprise software.

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Business Advantage through Location Intelligence: The CEO’s Guide

The CEO oversees a company's strategy and operations. This guide reveals how location intelligence benefits those in the corner office.

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Retailers Attempt to Staff Up for the Holiday Rush

With the US at full employment and labour pools running low, retailers must use smarter recruiting tools to find talent for the holidays.

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A Media and Publishing Company Delivers Location Intelligence to Advertisers

The Star Tribune offers prospective advertisers GIS-based consultations on how to find customers and grow their business.

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Finding AI Talent Using Location Intelligence

HR executives can leverage location data to identify and attract top AI candidates, despite limited supply.

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