Amphibian & Reptile Conservation

Our volunteers are vital to our mission. We need data collected from surveys all over the country, and it must be secure. ArcGIS Hub Premium has delivered this and so much more, helping us generate the insights required to support the conservation of endangered species.

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We are successfully detecting, locating and reducing methane emissions with a solution built with ArcGIS Online.

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National Trust

After a decade of ArcGIS use, we can confidently say that GIS is enabling us to achieve our strategic goals, take action for climate change and make special places accessible to everyone, for ever.

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The University of Warwick

Visualising, understanding and managing a 200-hectare campus is now so much easier with a Digital Campus, built with ArcGIS.

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Anglian Water

We are reducing pollution and flooding risks through the use of ArcGIS solutions.

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Using the powerful analysis and data visualisation capabilities of ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Dashboards, we have turned big data into business insight.

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Cotswolds National Landscape and Triage

We have used ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Dashboards and ArcGIS StoryMaps to create a next generation story-telling tool that will inform landscape, community and conservation strategies for generations to come.

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UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

From collecting data in the field to managing large-scale, nationwide survey projects, ArcGIS provides us with a highly efficient and accurate digital process for monitoring environmental change.

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City of Doncaster Council

With real-time, accurate data on litter collections and the condition of bins, we are improving the efficiency, quality and sustainability of our litter services.

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NHS Fife

Managing our natural capital and meeting our sustainability responsibilities is so much easier with our ArcGIS Greenspaces Map.

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