Tag Archives: Survey123
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Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
How a spatial approach to data is helping us to enhance catchment management and deliver valuable insights, to create a more efficient business.
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Methodist College Belfast
Students use ArcGIS to evaluate the environmental, economic and social impacts of renewable and non-renewable energy sources
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St Conleth’s Community College
Students of all abilities at Saint Conleth's Community College are developing important life skills through the use of ArcGIS.
Continue ReadingExciting New Capabilities of Survey123
With the release of Survey123 version 3.6, many new capabilities and enhancements were added to help you build smart forms. This blog will show you some of these exciting capabilities. If you aren’t familiar with Survey123, this introductory blog will … Continue reading <
Continue ReadingOur 1-2-3 guide to Survey123
Survey123 for ArcGIS uses simple and intuitive forms that allow you to collect field data easily. It basically lets you create, share, and analyse your surveys. Survey123 is already popular with users in public health, education, public works, resource management, … Continue reading
Continue ReadingFishing for HTTP Callbacks with Survey123 & Webhooks
If you haven’t heard of webhooks, they’re the latest step towards optimising your business workflows and getting your systems singing together in perfect harmony. Webhooks are a universal web development which makes it easier for different applications to talk to each other. And they are coming to Survey123…
Continue ReadingURL Scheme in Survey123
A quick description of how you can create URL's to launch a specific survey and fill out the required information automatically. This blog focuses on the transition to Survey123 with tips to improve efficiency.
Continue ReadingLearn about: Workforce for ArcGIS
If you’re new to Workforce for ArcGIS, this blog aims to bring you up to speed with all the latest features and updates to the application and how you could benefit from enabling a common view between office and field. I've also included some handy tips to help you harness the full power of Workforce.
Continue ReadingUse Arcade to Improve Survey123 Other Answers in Pop Ups
I've previously looked at how to implement a custom Other field in Survey123 and how to make survey results easier to analyse, or symbolise, when a survey includes the Other functionality.
In this blog I explore how to work with results that include the Other functionality, after the survey has been published, using Arca
Continue ReadingMaking Other Work Harder in Survey123 Results
Survey123 is a very popular ArcGIS App for the Field and I'm always looking for ways to make sure it's delivering value for my users. This blog investigates making survey results easier to analyse, or symbolise, when a survey includes the 'Other' functionality.
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