Learn About: Business Analyst Online

Business Analyst is now available as a hosted web app and it allows you to import your own data. Time to get excited about the possibilities for us, here in the UK. Let’s have a look at what you can do.

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Insights gets Living Atlas, at last!

With the introduction of Insights to the ArcGIS Online platform it was an optimal time to learn more about using it! This blog focuses on how you easily you can now load data from The Living Atlas. Tonnes of fantastic datasets now at your fingertips! 

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Insights for ArcGIS goes Online!

Insights for ArcGIS, the data analytics workbench tool has been released for use in ArcGIS Online. This post covers the merits of using Insights for ArcGIS in your online environment, as well as exploring the new features.

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Learn about: Operations Dashboard

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS was redesigned last year and launched in the last update to ArcGIS Online. Last week it was released for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6. You can now design, create and share dashboards through a browser.

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Now! That’s What I Call The Living Atlas…

The Living Atlas has blossomed for UK Data in 2017. If you've been super busy and missed the best of the contributions, fear not. This blog covers the UK data added to The Living Atlas that really caught our eye...

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Office for National Statistics Open Data and Living Atlas layers

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have uploaded some great datasets to their ArcGIS Open Data Portal and The Living Atlas.  They've used a range of customised features on their ArcGIS Open Data Portal and I wanted to share my top three.

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With the advent of the December update, what’s new in ArcGIS Online?

The December update to ArcGIS Online blew in with storm Caroline, bringing lots of new features and capabilities. Take a tour through what's new in: mapping, analysis, data management and organisation management.

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Enhanced Mapping with Arcade

Arcade is a simple expression language that was introduced into the ArcGIS Platform at the end of 2016. It can be used to configure symbology, labelling and pop-ups and makes expressions portable across the ArcGIS Platform. 

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Canal and River Trust layers join the Living Atlas!

The Canal and River Trust have recently uploaded several layers into the Living Atlas and I've picked my favourite layers.

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A Cluster of New Features in ArcGIS Online

The September update has arrived and brings some interesting new features. Both the map viewer and scene viewer have new features and there are changes in the apps.

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