Mapping 100 years of precipitation

In the UK, the 10 hottest years on record have all been since 2002 and in the summer of 2022, July and August were the warmest ever. Despite periods of rainfall, hosepipe bans were put in place across large areas … Continue reading

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ArcGIS deepens our understanding of the global risks that our clients face today, that arise unexpectedly tomorrow and that are likely for the future.

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For more than 20 years, we have used ArcGIS to help us gain a deeper understanding of risks in locations around the globe.

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Watermarkr your map

With the retirement of Markr coming ever closer, you may be wondering “how can I add watermarks to my map?”. The answer is simple: all you need is an awesome logo in SVG format, a coverage layer in the coordinate … Continue reading

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ArcGIS is enabling us to use intelligence-led planning to deliver more efficient and collaborative services for our public sector clients, whilst also building resilience into the asset management process.

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Improving colour blindness accessibility in ArcGIS Pro

There are an estimated 300 million people globally who suffer with colour vision deficiency (CVD), equating to 8% of the male population and 0.4% of the female population. Easily distinguishable colours such as red, green and blue, can appear extremely … Continue reading Continue Reading

Engineering a better understanding of crime data in ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro you can now cluster point features to simplify data visualisation. Each cluster represents two or more features in the dataset, and by default, a text marker displays on top of the cluster to communicate the number of … Continue reading Continue Reading

Transform pixels into information using ArcGIS

Over the last 10 years or so, imagery has been more widely adopted as part of an organisation’s set of core datasets. This is due partly to the decreasing costs of sourcing the imagery and the increasing availability of imagery, … Continue reading

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Label maps, not each other

Good map design can provide that all important link between functionality and aesthetics. While there is more to cartography than dressing a map up, if a map attracts a reader’s attention through its visual appeal, they will naturally be more … Continue reading

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Visualising data using chart and maps in ArcGIS Pro

For GIS people, visualising data spatially is the norm. However, sometimes a map alone only provides the audience with part of the data’s story. In these cases, you can use the ArcGIS system to create charts from tabular and raster … Continue reading

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